RetinaReadRisk is developing a platform for the early detection and diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy

The test to detect diabetic retinopathy is an examination of the fundus of the eye. In Catalonia it is carried out in certain primary care centers (CAP), mostly located in cities. In the future, the aim is to put the technology that will commercialize the spin- off at the service of all CAPs so that people can be explored by their doctor without the need for commute.
The creation of the company has been carried out within the framework of a project supported by EIT Health, an aspect that also gives it an international projection.
The founding partners are IISPV, UP2Smart (URV), Grupo TRC (Telefónica) and GENESIS Biomed.
GENESIS Biomed has acted as a Venture Building platform, has invested through its investment vehicle and is currently assuming the duties of interim CEO of the company.